2016 Northwest Wood-Based Biofuels + Co-Products Conference (NWBCC) Proceedings
The goal of the 2nd Northwest Wood-Based Biofuels + Co-Products Conference is to communicate research findings and promote collaboration to convert wood to biofuels with a focus on supply chain development, environmental impacts, co-products development for economic viability, K-12 education, and workforce development. Although the focus will be on regional efforts, a national and global perspective will also be included.
Dedicated K-12 Literacy Track
Bioenergy Literacy in STEM Education
Educators interested in bringing bioenergy literacy into the classroom are invited to join McCall Outdoor Science School, Facing the Future, Upham Woods Outdoor Learning Center, and K-12 teachers to learn about the field of wood-based biofuels and gain background knowledge in bioenergy and biofuels.
Advanced Wet Explosion (AWEx) Pretreatment for making viable biorefineries form lingnocellulosic biomass
Brigitte K. Ahring
Commercial Biochemical Opportunity
Terry Brix, Mark Kirby, and Jeff Plato
Presentation day 1
Presentation day 2
Developing an Integrated Logistics Model for Beetle-killed Biomass
Woodam Chung, Hee Han, and Nate Anderson
Bio-products are an important part of our future…
An overview of Cool Planet’s strategy to produce engineered Biocarbon and renewable fuels
Daren E. Daugaard
From Waste to Value: Forest and Mill Residue to Drop-In Fuels
Mary Dinh
Overview of BANR Lifecycle Assessment Activities
John Field
Making biofuels and their life cycle relevant to High School students
Michael Froehly
How to Survive in a Competative Fuel Market
Joe Gershen
An Ethics Lesson: Ethics Through the Sustainability of NARA
Brooke Guess
Fermentative Isobutanol Production from Woody Biomass and Conversion to IPK
Andrew C. Hawkins, Ph.D., Glenn Johnston, Joseph Ley
Energy Education and Bioenergy Literacy: Starting Now
Danica Hendrickson
Presentation day 1
Presentation day 2