Formerly the Director of the State of Washington Water Research Center and professor in the Washington State University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Dr. Michael Barber now serves as Professor and Chair of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of Utah. He also has more than 20 years of experience in hydrology and water resources.
For NARA, Michael will investigate how harvesting forest residuals will affect water retention and quality. Dr. Barber’s previous work includes investigating sediment scour inside vessels from the Department of Energy’s Hanford nuclear vitrification plant, climate change impacts on water quantity and quality, and groundwater modeling of aquifer storage and recover for increasing availability. He was a faculty member Tulane University and worked as a project engineer at KKBNA Consulting Engineers Inc. in Wheat Ridge, Colo. His professional activities include serving as co-principal investigator in a regional water quality coordination grant with Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington to promote synergistic education, research and extension. Dr. Barber earned his Ph.D. at the University of Texas at Austin in 1992. |
Michael Barber