Supply chain coalitions
Supply chains are envisioned and stakeholder coalitions have formed.
The NARA project is designed to develop a roadmap for industry to produce biojet and co-products from forest harvest residues. This roadmap can only become reality when regional stakeholders (businesses, government agencies, and private individuals) are empowered to actually build the industry. Involving stakeholders in the research process and using their input to shape the supply chain analyses is an integral step on the pathway to this new industry.
NARA work has resulted in
- a method to select optimal facility locations for a forest residual-to-biojet fuel supply chain based on physical and social assets.
- a catalogue of physical and social assets within ID, OR, WA and MT that would contribute to a forest residual-to-biojet fuel supply chain.
- industrial designs of existing PNW pulp mills to conceptualize structural adaptations for participation in a forest residual-to-biojet fuel supply chain.
- two conferences that brought together regional and national stakeholders to initiate a wood-to-biofuels industry in the region.
NARA impacts
NARA Outreach and Education Team engagement in the four-state region has resulted in a broad stakeholder group investigating aviation biofuels development in the region. Washington Clean Energy stakeholders have regrouped into a Biomass Task Force and are coordinating with a similar group in Oregon as a result of NARA Outreach Team engagement.
At the beginning of the NARA Project, several stakeholders questioned the economic feasibility of commercializing biomass for biofuels technology, but now stakeholders in general are more receptive to establishing the biomass to biofuels infrastructure. One example is that Alaska Airlines, Boeing, and the Port of Seattle recently announced funding to review infrastructure requirements to accommodate bio-jet fuel. In their press release, they mention the NARA as a project that justifies the funding action.
Other NARA Outputs
Peer reviewed papers
Integrating Biogeophysical and Social Assets Into Biomass-to-Biofuels Supply Chain Siting Decisions
Martinkus, N., Shi, W., Lovrich, N., Pierce, J., Smith, P., & Wolcott, M. (2014). Integrating biogeophysical and social assets into biomass-to-biofuels supply chain siting decisions. Biomass & Bioenergy, 66, 410-418.
Slash and learn: Revealing stakeholder knowledge, support, and preferred communication methods relative to wood-based biofuels projects
Moroney, J., Laninga, T., & Brooks, R. (2016). Slash and learn: Revealing stakeholder knowledge, support, and preferred communication methods relative to wood-based biofuels projects. Journal of Extension, 54(5), Article # 5RIB10.
Non-peer reviewed articles
From Wood to Wing: Opportunities to Build an Advanced Biofuels Industry in the Pacific Northwest Utilizing its Timber-based Assets
Laninga, T., Millman, S. & Payne, K. (2014/2015). From wood to wing: opportunities to build an advanced biofuels industry in the Pacific Northwest utilizing its timber-based assets. Western Planner, December/January, 35(5), 12-19.