Advanced Hardwood Biofuels Northwest (AHB)
Led by University of Washington, this project will provide transportation fuels derived from sustainably grown hardwoods.

Alaska Airlines
Alaska Airlines is a Seattle-based carrier that collectively serves over 90 destinations in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. They are working within NARA to provide a demonstration flight using IPK made from forest residuals using conversion technology developed by NARA members.

ANDRITZ is a globally leading supplier of plants, equipment, and services for hydropower stations, the pulp and paper industry, the metalworking and steel industries, and for solid/liquid separation in the municipal and industrial sectors. NARA conducted pretreatment processing trials at ANDRITZ’s pilot plant in Ohio.

Bioenergy Alliance Network of the Rockies (BANR)
Led by Colorado State University, BANR is investigating use of insect-killed trees as a sustainable feedstock to produce biofuels and biochar.

Biomass ad Infinitum LLC
Biomass ad Infinitum LLC provides consulting services to the biomass conversion research and development and deployment industries. For NARA, Biomass ad Infinitum LLC served as the project manager to develop IPK from forest residuals used in a demonstration flight.

Catchlight Energy
Catchlight Energy’s vision is to become a major integrated producer of biofuels derived from non-food sources and to deliver renewable transportation products produced from biomass in a manner that is scalable and sustainable — both environmentally and economically.

CenUSA bioenergy
Led by Iowa State University, this project will produce advanced transportation fuels derived from native perennial grasses such as switchgrass, big bluestem and Indian grass feedstock.

Compañía Logística de Hidrocarburos CLH S.A.
CLH (Compañía Logística de Hidrocarburos CLH S.A.) and its subsidiary, CLH Aviation, have operated for over 85 years and are dedicated to hydrocarbon storage and logistics in Spain. CLH is Spain’s leader for oil product transportation and storage. They operate one of the largest, most efficient, integrated refined products transportation and storage networks in the world with over 4,000 kilometers of refined products pipeline and a storage capacity of 7.9 million cubic meters. These …more

Cosmo Specialty Fibers, Inc.
Cosmo Specialty Fibers, Inc. (CSF) is an affiliate of The Gores Group and was created to restore, restart and operate Weyerhaeuser’s former specialty cellulose mill in Cosmopolis, Washington. This facility currently produces a high-quality dissolving wood pulp. The residual process streams generated from this operation could be converted into sugars for fuels and chemical production.
As a NARA member organization, CSF will explore available markets for the simple sugars that could be derived from their …more

Facing the Future
As a member of NARA, over the next five years Facing the Future will work with closely with the University of Idaho and the McCall Outdoor Science School (MOSS), to support education efforts for theNARA project. Facing the Future will assist in the development and delivery of web-based bioenergy and biofuels curriculum resources for middle and high school classrooms, as well as provide web-based outreach and professional development for teachers. The resources will promote critical …more

Forest Business Network
Forest Business Network is “the source for forest product industry professionals” and provides the industry with the latest news, information and resources. Its business includes online publishing, consulting and event marketing. They assist NARA’s outreach efforts by distributing NARA news to their viewers.

Gevan Marrs LLC
Gevan Marrs LLC provides consulting services to NARA relating to feedstock characteristics and processing plus the development of a techno-economic analysis for a wood-to-biojet biorefinery.

Gevo, Inc.
Through the NARA project under the USDA grant, Gevo intends to convert woody biomass feedstocks into renewable aviation biofuel and other renewable chemicals including polymers, solvents for paints, and renewable rubber.
To create these products, Gevo plans to use a genetically engineered yeast biocatalyst to produce renewable isobutanol. Isobutanol, which Gevo currently produces from corn starch, can be converted to jet fuel using refining industry-based chemical processes. This jet fuel is identical to petrochemical jet fuel …more

Greenwood Resources
GreenWood Resources (GWR) is a global timberland investment and asset management company specializing in the acquisition, development and management of forestry assets. For NARA, they evaluated the potential for conifer plantations in western Montana.

ICM’s research and development team leads the biofuels industry in developing game-changing equipment and process technologies. The ICM facility in St. Joseph Missouri contributed to the 1000 KIPK project by producing isobutanol from pretreated forest residuals.

Montana State University
Montana State University Extension Forestry will assist with the NARA Extension Working Group by providing information about the NARA program and research updates to Montana stakeholders including industry, logging and landowner professional organizations and conferences. In addition we will produce and publish brochures, popular articles and guidelines for these groups as well as assist with the scoping process and development of a test bed site.
The mission of Extension Forestry is to provide education and outreach …more

National Renewable Energy Laboratory
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) focuses on creative answers to today’s energy challenges. From breakthroughs in fundamental science to new clean technologies to integrated energy systems that power our lives, NREL researchers are transforming the way the nation and the world use energy.

Oregon State University
Researchers from Oregon State University will receive $4.4 million as part of the Northwest Aviation Renewables Alliance, led by Washington State University.
“The primary goal of this initiative is to find new ways to produce aviation fuel and high value chemicals using a sustainable supply of biomass,” said John Sessions, a distinguished professor of forestry and holder of the Strachan Chair of Forest Operations Management at OSU.
“We hope to create a fuel that’s an exact substitute …more

Salish Kootenai College
NARA has partnered with the forestry program at Salish Kootenai College (SKC), a tribal university, to provide research opportunities tied to biofuels and bioproducts from woody biomass. Annual summer internship awards will be made to SKC Forestry students so they can join a NARA research university for a summer research experience (SURE). SURE participants participate in full time research experiences for a summer (10 week) program that provides laboratory, fieldwork, and research …more

South Hampton Resources
South Hampton Resources is an independent, petrochemical manufacturer in southeast Texas. Since1955, it has progressed through several stages to emerge as a strongly competitive specialty petrochemical processor. South Hampton Resources contributes to the 1000 K IPK project by producingIPK from isobutanol made from forest residuals.

Southeast Partnership for Integrated Biomass Supply Systems (IBSS)
Led by the University of Tennessee, this project will produce butanol, lignin byproducts and energy derived from switchgrass, pine and Eucalyptus.

Steadfast Management
Steadfast Management provides management and consulting services and contributes Phase and Gate and pretreatment/conversion leadership to NARA.

Sustainable Bioproducts Initiative (SUBI)
Led by Louisiana State University, this project will produce biofuels and co-products derived from energy cane and sweet sorghum.

The National Center for Genome Resources
NCGR contributes to the NARA project by evaluating the genetic basis in woody biomass that leads to desirable traits suitable to aviation fuel and co-products conversion. This effort is led by Dr. Callum Bell, who is the sequencing center director and Vice President of Research at NCGR.
The National Center for Genome Resources (NCGR) in Santa Fe, New Mexico, is a non-profit research institute dedicated to improving human health and nutrition through the application …more

The Northeast Woody/Warm-season Biomass Consortium (NEWBio)
Led by Pennsylvania State University, this project will produce advanced transportation fuels derived from shrub willow, short rotation woody crops and warm-season grasses switch grass and miscanthus.

The Pennsylvania State University
Paul Smith, professor of forest products marketing in the Penn State School of Forest Resources, leadsNARA’s Environmentally Preferred Products (EPP) group within the Systems Metrics Team.
Recognizing that knowledge of market needs and consumer preferences is important to gain public acceptance and ensure success of a future biofuels industry, the EPP group will work to identify attitudes, perceptions, and current understanding of biofuel-based products by the public and policymakers. This knowledge will be used to …more

Thomas Spink Inc.
Thomas Spink Inc. is a consulting firm specializing in biomass chemical engineering and assists NARA in co-product development and economic analyses.

University of Idaho
The University of Idaho is the state’s premier land-grant research university and flagship institution. Faculty in the College of Natural Resources and College of Art and Architecture will carry out the education and outreach goals of the NARA project. The NARA GreenSTEM initiative includes an innovative suite of programs to increase the capacity of the region for a transition to a biofuel and bioproducts economy. The K-12 program includes STEM curricula and teacher training focused …more

University of Minnesota
Two areas of research occur at the University of Minnesota’s Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering that directly contribute to NARA.
The production of aviation fuels from woody biomass will generate a substantial amount of lignins as a byproduct. To ensure an economically viable woody biomass to aviation fuel industry, commercial uses for lignin need to be extended. Research led by Professor Simo Sarkanen is developing lignin-based plastics to be used as thermal insulating foams. The domestic …more

University of Montana
The Bureau of Business and Economic Research is a research department within the School of Business Administration at The University of Montana, Missoula. Todd Morgan serves as Director of Forest Industry Research within the Bureau. His team is contributing to the NARA project by identifying and collecting primary data necessary to assess the woody biomass inventory with particular emphasis on mill and logging residue in the 4-state region and standing forest inventory in Montana and Idaho. They …more

University of Utah
The University of Utah, located in Salt Lake City in the foothills of the Wasatch Mountains, is the flagship institution of higher learning in Utah. Founded in 1850, it serves over 31,000 students from across the U.S. and the world. With over 72 major subjects at the undergraduate level and more than 90 major fields of study at the graduate level, including law and medicine, the university prepares students to live and compete in the global workplace. Known …more

University of Washington
To help avoid unintended impacts to society, the economy or the environment, University of Washington’sIvan Eastin will lead the life cycle assessment of the fuel being produced and research effects on communities.
Producing ethanol from food crops has led to controversies in recent years about whether energy derived from converting these crops into ethanol exceeded the fossil-fuel energy required to produce and deliver them. In addition, diverting crops for fuel has helped drive up food prices in many …more

University of Wisconsin Extension
The University of Wisconsin-Extension works in partnership with 26 UW System campuses, 72 Wisconsin counties, three tribal governments, and other public and private organizations to fulfill its public service mission. This is the “Wisconsin Idea” – extending the university’s boundaries to the corners of the state. The University of Wisconsin Extension will contribute to NARA’s goal of enhancing bioenergy literacy for students, educators and the general public.

US Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station
NARA is tasked with empowering stakeholders to plan and implement the changes needed to build, develop and sustain a biorefinery infrastructure. Eini Lowell, a research forest products technologist with the U.S. Forest Service Pacific Northwest (PNW) Research Station assists in that effort. Eini will help identify and screen test bed communities. She will also initiate and help extend relationships with regional stakeholders and partners by convening meetings, workshops and focus groups.
The PNW Research Station …more

USDA Forest Products Lab
Research General Engineer Jun Yong Zhu, USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) in Madison, Wisconsin, will demonstrate his patent-pending technique, SPORL (Sulfite Pretreatment to Overcome Recalcitrance of Lignocellulose), in the Northwest Advanced Renewables Alliance (NARA) program.

Washington State University
Washington State University is the leading institution for the Northwest Advanced Renewables Alliance (NARA) and the five-year, $40 million grant to help develop wood-based alternatives to petroleum-based fuels and chemicals. The WSU-led consortium includes 15 partners ranging from private companies to public research institutions, along with over 50 principal investigators.
With its long-term leadership in wood-based materials, engineering, and strong land-grant extension program, WSU is uniquely qualified to develop hands-on research needed to make a …more

Western Washington University
Western Washington University is a comprehensive, masters degree granting institution located in Bellingham WA. Faculty in the Huxley College of the Environment, along with university’s Institute for Energy Studies (IES) are involved in the education and outreach goals of the NARA project. IES is developing an interdisciplinary undergraduate degree in energy studies and a minor in Energy Policy. The intention is to integrate bioenergy into these curricula.
The WWU role in NARA is …more

As part of its involvement, Weyerhaeuser will establish a new research site near Springfield, Ore. to better understand the effect of forest management practices on soil, water and wildlife. The site is intended to provide information on the effect of biomass removal, compaction and fertilization on soil, water and wildlife. Weyerhaeuser scientists Greg Johnson and Scott Holub will lead the study.
Weyerhaeuser also will work with collaborators to understand how to develop more cost-effective ways to collect currently …more