1:00 pm EST, January 14, 2014Presented by: David Swenson, Iowa State University
Host: Mike Jacobson, Penn State, NEWBio 

While we often articulate the overall benefits of biofuels development in the U.S. along lines of environmental improvement coupled with a vague notion of energy security, most state and regional interest in biofuels development hinges on one primary outcome: Jobs.

The promises of job creation associated with biofuels expansion have, however, been significantly less than boosters, politicians, and other vested interests promised.  This session will explain the net productivity gains to regional economies as a result of ethanol production, to include the likely net new jobs that were realized for the state of Iowa, which has the most ethanol refining capacity among the states, as well as the U.S. total.  In addition, and relying on research on the cellulosic ethanol potential in NY state, this presentation displays that state’s biofuels job potential and uses that information to impute potential national impacts were the advanced biofuels mandate of 8 billion gallons met.

Webinar link here.
