Over 100 participants attended the Joint Center for Aerospace Technology Innovation (JCATI) Symposium held April 21st at Washington State University in Pullman Washington. JCATI was established in 2012 by the Washington state governor and legislature to foster industry and academia collaboration within Washington State. Some of the topics for the day were:
“Functional Considerations and Opportunities for Nanocomposites and Nanotechnology in Commercial Aerospace”
“Translating Research to Commercialization”
“New Paths Towards Building Our Future in Space”
“Impact of Public-Private Partnerships on Education”
NARA executive director Ralph Cavalieri delivered a presentation entitled “ASCENT of Biofuels –FAA Center of Excellence for Alternative Jet Fuels and the Environment”. ASCENT is a recently formed collaboration of industry and academia focused on meeting the environmental and energy goals of the Next Generation Air Transportation System, including reducing noise, improving air quality, reducing climate impacts, and increasing energy efficiency. The Center is financed by the Federal Aviation Administration at a minimum level of $4 million per year and is led by Washington State University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Dr. Cavalieri pointed out how NARA and ASCENT complement efforts to provide bio-based aviation fuel. A number of academic institutions connected to NARA are also involved with the ASCENT project. For those who had questions or comments regarding NARA, a NARA exhibit table was present and manned.