Quality, un-biased information that addresses the use of forest residuals to produce chemical products like biofuels is abundant, the challenge is finding it. To make this information readily available to individuals and communities, NARA has produced a knowledge base repository that links to hundreds of reports, peer reviewed articles and websites.
View the NARA Knowledge Base here.
One of the unique aspects to this repository is that searches can be filtered to find information for specific steps in the wood-to-biofuel conversion process. For instance, if feedstock, or pretreatment or enzymatic hydrolysis is of interest, then information specific to these areas will be highlighted.

In addition, the search function can be used to filter information regarding the environmental, social or economic sustainability associated with the use of forest residuals to make biofuels and co-products. The below image shows a search page and the type of filters used to explore the sustainability of harvesting forest residuals.
The NARA knowledge base fits well with NARA’s goal to enhance bioenergy literacy. The site offers an easy to use, non-bias portal into the primary information and research available to date on the many aspects involved with using forest residuals to produce chemical products. Over 950 users throughout the world have accessed the site since it was established in 2014.
To date, over 950 users throughout the world have accessed the site. To contribute research information to the knowledge database repository, send a pdf formatted copy or URL link to Sara Dossey at sdossey@nararenewables.org.