NARA’s third Cumulative Report is now available online. The report describes research efforts and activities conducted during April 2014 to March 2015.
View the NARA Cumulative Report: April 2013-March 2014 here.
Cumulative Report content
The report is segmented into sections that relate to NARA’s five goals: Sustainable Biojet, Value Lignin Co-Products, Rural Economic Development, Supply Chain Coalitions, and Bioenergy Literacy. Each section contains an executive summary highlighting the major accomplishments.
Topics discussed in this report cover:
- a pretreatment and fermentation process for large-scale biojet fuel production using Douglas-fir residuals;
- biomass availability and logging utilization estimates plus grinding parameters;
- plastic, epoxy and activated carbon produced from Douglas-fir lignosulfonates;
- life cycle assessments (LCA) for biojet fuel and lignin-based co-products;
- biorefinery and depot site selection and design;
- studies evaluating the impact of forest residual removal on soil nutrients, water and wildlife;
- programs to promote bioenergy literacy for students and working professionals.
Future direction
Starting July 2015, the NARA project will enter its fifth and final year. The activities described in the 2015 cumulative report provide the foundation for producing NARA’s final project deliverables. These final year deliverables include:
- a demonstration of the integrated technology for production of alternative jet fuel through production of 1,000-gallons of iso-paraffinic kerosene (IPK);
- a demonstration of the scale feasibility for select co-products;
- a final economic, environmental, and social assessments of production models to assess overall sustainability;
- stakeholder integration efforts around a commercial flight of the produced alternative jet fuel.