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graduate students

Dissertations and theses from NARA graduate students

Images of some graduate students working on NARA projects
Images of some graduate students working on NARA projects

Since NARA’s inception in 2011, over 100 graduate students have conducted research for NARA funded by the USDA-NIFA. Their efforts contribute substantially towards NARA goals and play an important role in preparing a trained workforce for a bioenergy-based industry.

Often a student’s dissertation or thesis …more

NARA Graduate Student Research – The 2014 Western Forestry Graduate Research Symposium

By: Janna Loeppky, M.F. Candidate, Oregon State University

One of the most important steps in the advancement and continuation of research is
the investment in future generations of researchers. While much of the ideas for research
originate with academic faculty, the work is conducted by graduate students.  These students
are contributing to NARA’s goals through groundbreaking studies in their respective fields.
Contributions to original research begin with an area of interest and slowly evolve into a