NARA is tasked to provide a supply chain analysis for converting forest residuals to biojet fuel and lignin-based co-products within the northwestern United States defined within the Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana state borders. University students and their mentors, through the Integrated Design Experience (IDX) course, provide much of the work used to compile the analysis. Each year, this course focuses its efforts annually on a sub-region within the four-state region.
Through 2012 to 2013, a sub-region titled the Western Montana Corridor was the focus of their work. This region covers areas in western Montana, northern Idaho and eastern Washington. The results of their work as well as other NARA researchers is now available online.
To view the Western Montana Supply Chain website, view here.
To read more about the work done by IDX and the NARA Outreach team, read here and here.
The site offers select volumes and chapters that cover the various analyses. The volumes and chapters listed are:
Volume 1: Overview
Volume 2: Regional Capacity
Volume 3: Site Selection and Supply Chain Analysis
Volume 4: Sustainability
- Chapter 1: Techno-economic Analysis
- Chapter 2: Life Cycle Assessment
- Chapter 3: Community Impact
- Chapter 4: Education and Outreach
Volume 5: Supplemental Information
- Chapter 1: White Paper: RFS, RINS, and Implications
- Chapter 2: Municipal Solid Waste Analysis
- Chapter 3: Strategic Feedstock Production Analysis
- Chapter 4: Biomass Supply Estimates for the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes
The website also provides an executive summary and links to the peer reviewed papers published through this effort.
The sub-region focus for 2013-2014 is titled the MC2P region. This region includes western Oregon and Washington. The deliverables from this analysis should be posted on a separate webpage by Fall 2014.
To read about work in the MC2P region, view here.