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Sustainability and Job Creation

Forestry and Idaho education and career resources

Fire Science recently launched a unique Idaho guide focused on providing career and education information.  They provide a list of schools and programs from the U.S. federal government National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), and provide interviews with fire experts in Idaho.  On the career side, they provide income tables in Idaho for Firefighters, Fire Inspectors / Investigators, and Fire Service Supervisors, talk about fire training, and also have a full section …more

Harvesting forest residuals: environmental impacts and sustainability

Processing forest residuas
Processing forest residuas

Typically when trees are harvested for lumber and pulp, the limbs and branches (commonly termed “forest residuals”) are left on the forest floor or collected in slash piles and burned. If these forest residuals were used instead to produce products such as biojet fuel, what effect would that have on our environment and how can we manage the …more

NEWBio presents webinar: Biofuel Industry Economic Impacts and Analysis: Reporting the Facts in an Environment of Hype

1:00 pm EST, January 14, 2014Presented by: David Swenson, Iowa State University
Host: Mike Jacobson, Penn State, NEWBio 

While we often articulate the overall benefits of biofuels development in the U.S. along lines of environmental improvement coupled with a vague notion of energy security, most state and regional interest in biofuels development hinges on one primary outcome: Jobs.

The promises of job creation associated with biofuels expansion have, however, been significantly less than boosters, politicians, and other vested interests promised.  …more

Estimating Forest Biomass

Estimating Tree Biomass, Carbon, and Nitrogen... copy 2


Developing improved tools and methods used to estimate the amount of residual biomass potential contained in a softwood plantation or forest is a key task for the NARA project. The amount of forest residues available affects how much biojet fuel and co-products are produced, the location sites for depots and conversion plants and the overall sustainability of the residual wood to …more