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NARA at the Public Interest Environmental Law Conference (PIELC)

Booths and participants at the 2014 Public Interest Environmental Law Conference (PIELC)
Booths and participants at the 2014 Public Interest Environmental Law Conference (PIELC). This event was held Feb. 27-March 2, 2014 in Eugene, OR.

In order to educate and receive constructive input, NARA provides outreach to a full array of stakeholders. When the NARA Outreach team asked stakeholders which Pacific Northwest conference provided …more

Middle and high school educators get biofuel supply chain update

On February 13th, 2014, Dr. Tammi Laninga provided a webinar on the supply chain analysis work conducted by NARA.

Access webinar (#4) here.

View Powerpoint slides here

McCall Outdoor Science School (MOSS) hosted the webinar. MOSS provides this webinar series to middle and high school teachers interested in training student groups to compete in the Imagine Tomorrow competition at Washington State University.

Providing regional teachers and students information concerning NARA activities fits with NARA’s goal to …more

Harvesting forest residuals: environmental impacts and sustainability

Processing forest residuas
Processing forest residuas

Typically when trees are harvested for lumber and pulp, the limbs and branches (commonly termed “forest residuals”) are left on the forest floor or collected in slash piles and burned. If these forest residuals were used instead to produce products such as biojet fuel, what effect would that have on our environment and how can we manage the …more

NEWBio presents webinar: Biofuel Industry Economic Impacts and Analysis: Reporting the Facts in an Environment of Hype

1:00 pm EST, January 14, 2014Presented by: David Swenson, Iowa State University
Host: Mike Jacobson, Penn State, NEWBio 

While we often articulate the overall benefits of biofuels development in the U.S. along lines of environmental improvement coupled with a vague notion of energy security, most state and regional interest in biofuels development hinges on one primary outcome: Jobs.

The promises of job creation associated with biofuels expansion have, however, been significantly less than boosters, politicians, and other vested interests promised.  …more

Characterizing Various Feedstocks

NARA Woody Forest Feedstocks-Total Polysaccharides. Image created by Gevan Marrs, Weyerhaeuser
NARA Woody Forest Feedstocks-Total Polysaccharides. Figure created by Gevan Marrs, Weyerhaeuser

Gevan Marrs at Weyerhaeuser generated this above figure. Packed with useful information, it is often used in NARA presentations. The purpose of this article is to define elements in the figure and provide some analysis. A bulk of the information presented in …more