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U.S. Government posts Biofuels Data Sources matrix

A Biofuels Data Sources matrix was recently posted by the DOE’s Energy Information Administration and USDA’s Economic Research Service. The matrix provided links to information related to:

NARA and the Department of Energy discuss bioenergy literacy in the classroom

Energy 101 Course Framework
Energy 101 Course Framework

NARA researcher Justin Hougham will present NARA’s education efforts at an upcoming webinar sponsored by the Department of Energy (DOE). The webinar titled “Energy in the Classroom” is the first of a series of dialogues that are part of the Energy 101 initiative. This dialogue will discuss ways to catalyze and increase opportunities for …more

US Department of Energy promotes NARA’s “Matrix”


Front page of NARA MatrixFront page of NARA Matrix

The US Department of Energy recently posted a link on their website to NARA’s Energy Literacy Principles Matrix.

The “Matrix” is a collection of educational resources related to biofuel solutions that are economically viable, socially acceptable, and meet the high environmental standards of the Pacific Northwest.

You can use …more