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Forest residues, machines and soil: how do they mix?

Photo courtesy of Ponsse
Photo courtesy of Ponsse

Transporting the forest residues located in slash piles out of the woods requires vehicles and equipment to roll and vibrate over bare ground.  This activity can cause soil compaction and disturbance, which can lead to adverse soil erosion and limit plant growth.

Numerous studies and harvesting policies have been initiated to lessen the impact of soil …more

Estimating Biomass Availability: Dr. Kevin Boston

Slash pile. Photo curteousy of John Sessions
Slash pile. Photo curteousy of John Sessions

Story written by Jenna Loeppky:  M.F. candidate and graduate research assistant in the Department of Forest Engineering, Resource Management at Oregon State University

Researchers, such as Oregon State University Professor and NARA investigator Dr. Kevin Boston, are asking questions …more

NARA has a presence at the Joint Center for Aerospace Technology Innovation (JCATI) Symposium


Ralph Cavalieri speaking at the JCATI Symposium
Ralph Cavalieri speaking at the JCATI Symposium

Over 100 participants attended the Joint Center for Aerospace Technology Innovation (JCATI) Symposium held April 21st at Washington State University in Pullman Washington. JCATI was established in 2012 by the Washington state governor and legislature to foster industry and academia collaboration within Washington State. Some of the topics for …more

NARA Co-Products Team explains co-product development to high school educators and students

MOSS website




NARA researchers Dr. Carter Fox and Dr. Ian Dallmeyer from Weyerhaeuser provided an overview of their work to high school educators and their students. Fox and Dallmeyer are charged with developing commercial products from the wood material left over after the carbohydrates are removed to make bio-jet fuel.

Their presentation is one of a series of NARA information webinars featured on the McCall Outdoor Science School (MOSS) …more

Breaking lignin into new biomaterials


Lignin image

For wood tissue, lignin plays an essential role. It is a complex molecule located in the cell walls that provides mechanical strength and allows for efficient water transport. It is also quite plentiful. Depending on the species, the lignin in wood can represent between 25 to 30% of the dry weight.

Typically, the lignin produced from the pulp and paper industry (known as kraft lignin) is …more

NARA at the Public Interest Environmental Law Conference (PIELC)

Booths and participants at the 2014 Public Interest Environmental Law Conference (PIELC)
Booths and participants at the 2014 Public Interest Environmental Law Conference (PIELC). This event was held Feb. 27-March 2, 2014 in Eugene, OR.

In order to educate and receive constructive input, NARA provides outreach to a full array of stakeholders. When the NARA Outreach team asked stakeholders which Pacific Northwest conference provided …more

Harvesting forest residuals: environmental impacts and sustainability

Processing forest residuas
Processing forest residuas

Typically when trees are harvested for lumber and pulp, the limbs and branches (commonly termed “forest residuals”) are left on the forest floor or collected in slash piles and burned. If these forest residuals were used instead to produce products such as biojet fuel, what effect would that have on our environment and how can we manage the …more

NARA represented at CAAFI 2014 General Meeting in Washington DC


NARA Director Ralph Cavalieri attends CAAFI 2014 General Meeting and Expo
NARA Director Ralph Cavalieri attends CAAFI 2014 General Meeting and ExpoCAAFI 2014 General Meeting & Expo

Posted by Michael Wolcott, NARA project co-director

NARA is well represented at CAAFI’s flagship meeting around alternative aviation fuels. We are joining a majority of the biofuels industry, the US air carriers, Boeing, FAA, USDA, DOE, NIST, …more

US Department of Energy promotes NARA’s “Matrix”


Front page of NARA MatrixFront page of NARA Matrix

The US Department of Energy recently posted a link on their website to NARA’s Energy Literacy Principles Matrix.

The “Matrix” is a collection of educational resources related to biofuel solutions that are economically viable, socially acceptable, and meet the high environmental standards of the Pacific Northwest.

You can use …more