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Gevo’s alcohol-to-jet renewable biofuel powers Alaska Airlines flight

photo credit John Schneider
photo credit John Schneider

On June 7th, Alaska Airlines fueled two commercial flights using a 20% blend of Gevo’s renewable biojet fuel made from sustainable U.S. corn. These flights represent the first commercial flights fueled with biojet fuel made using Gevo’s alcohol-to-jet technology.

Read the news release here. A video is available here.

Earlier this year, …more

High school students present energy solutions

In May 2016, over 400 high-school students brought their solutions for a better world to the 2016 Alaska Airlines Imagine Tomorrow competition at Washington State University. The competition is hosted by the Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture at Washington State University. NARA has been a major sponsor of this event since 2011. Encouraging high school students to think about energy solutions fits well with NARA’s education goals to increase bioenergy literacy and develop a bioenergy workforce.

With NARA’s …more

Production of Lignocellulosic Isobutanol by Fermentation and Conversion to Biojet

A recent webinar titled “Production of Lignocellulosic Isobutanol by Fermentation and Conversion to Biojet was provided by Gevo representatives Andrew Hawkins and Glenn Johnston. This webinar is part of the NARA webinar series.

Gevo has developed fermentation and process technology to convert biomass sugars to isobutanol and further into renewable jet fuel through chemical processing. As a key member of the NARA project, Gevo has developed GIFT®, Gevo Integrated Fermentation Technology, to produce isobutanol at high productivity, titer, …more

IDX mentor receives teaching award

Dr. Karl Olsen
Dr. Karl Olsen

Karl Olsen, clinical assistant professor in the Civil Engineering Department at Washington State University, will receive the annual President’s Distinguished Teaching Award for Non-tenure Track Faculty.

Dr. Olsen is an instructor for the Integrated Design Experience (IDX) course. Additional instructors include Tammi Laninga and Michelle Vachon. IDX has partnered with NARA and northwest stakeholders …more

NARA will host a wood-based biofuels conference

NWBCC2016-front copy

In the past decade, funding agencies (USDA-NIFA and DOE), stakeholder coalitions (SAFN), state agencies, and industry have invested millions of dollars and substantial time to envision a Pacific Northwest industry that uses wood-based biomass to produce liquid biofuels and other co-products. USDA-NIFA funded programs like the Northwest Advanced Renewables Alliance (NARA) and Advanced Hardwood Biofuels Northwest (AHB) will end in 2016. These programs, …more

Webinar Series: The Role of Sustainable Bioenergy in Your Clean Power Plan

NEWBio is sponsoring a webinar series to inform stakeholders about the Clean Power Plan. Below is an introduction from their fact sheet:

The Clean Power Plan (CPP) was announced by President Obama and the EPA in early August of last year and provides the first-ever national standards that address carbon pollution from power plants. The final rule takes into account over 4.3 million stakeholder and public comments to ease its implementation, with individual states, tribes, and territories building …more