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Energy Literacy

NARA’s 2014 peer-reviewed publications

Journals with 2014 NARA publications
Journals with 2014 NARA publications

In 2014, NARA researchers published 25 papers in peer-reviewed journals. These publications help transfer NARA research to a wide audience. Here is a brief narrative to how these peer-reviewed papers complement NARA’s goals and contribute towards evaluating the use of forest residuals as a feedstock to produce chemical products.

NARA goal 1: …more

How much energy is in a slab of wood?


wood small

If this question interests you, then a calculator is available to help answer the question. NARA member Martin Twer developed a calculator that translates wood weight, general moisture content and species into energy yield (either BTU, joules, calories and watt hour units). It will even tell you how much hot water you could expect for your shower.

View here to use the calculator.




New textbook titled Bioenergy: Biomass to Biofuels

Textbook cover
Textbook cover









Below is an email sent by Sue Hawkins, outreach professional at the University of Vermont, Brattleboro office.

Bioenergy: Biomass to Biofuels was edited by Anju Dahiya <>, Lead Biofuels Instructor at the University of Vermont¹s Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources and published by Academic Press/Elsevier.  Click …more

NARA Graduate Student Research – The 2014 Western Forestry Graduate Research Symposium

By: Janna Loeppky, M.F. Candidate, Oregon State University

One of the most important steps in the advancement and continuation of research is
the investment in future generations of researchers. While much of the ideas for research
originate with academic faculty, the work is conducted by graduate students.  These students
are contributing to NARA’s goals through groundbreaking studies in their respective fields.
Contributions to original research begin with an area of interest and slowly evolve into a

Bioenergy lessons for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders

Image from Facing the Future website:
Image from the Facing the Future website:

Facing the Future has developed lessons for elementary school students that explore concepts on energy. These lessons are currently being offered to elementary teachers for testing and feedback. The pilot period is until December 24th. A final draft should be available in early 2015.

To participate in the pilot opportunity, visit …more

Undergraduate interns contribute to NARA

NARA funds educational opportunities for students at all levels — grade school through college graduate. For the past three years, NARA has provided summer research internships to college undergraduates through the NARA SURE program. SURE (Summer Undergraduate Research Experience) is a program coordinated by Washington State University that provides research internships to undergraduate students throughout the United States and is funded by multiple organizations including NARA.

For the summer of 2014, NARA funded five undergraduate students to conduct research …more

NARA’s 2014 Cumulative Report is available online

Webpage for NARA's 2nd Cumulative report
Webpage for NARA’s 2nd Cumulative report

NARA’s second Cumulative Report is now available online. This report describes research efforts and activities conducted between April 2013 through March 2014.

You can view the NARA Cumulative Report: April 2013-March 2014 here.

Progress reports are sectioned within the Project’s five goals: Sustainable Biojet, Value Lignin Co-Products, Rural …more